Site Review


House of Taboo is one of the Kink channels. On this site, you will find loads of BDSM/bondage porn videos. On this platform, you'll find porn categories, such as BDSM, role play, corporal punishment, humiliation, submission, more. House of Taboo is updated regularly with tons of amazing porn content. From the menu button at the top of the screen, you can access the Kink store, where you can buy a wide range of sex products. Some of the products available in the store include BDSM gear, sex toys, fetish wear, restraints, and more.

House of Taboo only allows online visitors to stream short video clips (1-2 mins long) for free. If you'd like to watch longer videos or full-length videos, you have to register on the platform and subscribe to a plan. The available membership plans include $39.99 for 1 month, $29.99/Mon for 3 months (billed at once), $22.99/Mon for 6 months (billed at once), and $15/Mon for 1 year (billed at once). The available payment methods are S€PA and credit cards. In terms of functionality, the web pages load fast, the navigation is awesome, and it is free of spam messages and pop-up ads.
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